Friday, January 20, 2012

Native Spanish Speakers: How to say "But that doesn't affect you being pretty"? NO GOOGLE TRANSLATION?

I don't mean it in "I like you" way. It is to another friend that is feeling sad.|||Pero eso no afecta que seas bonit@ (bonita=girl, bonito=boy)|||Pero eso no affect que seas bonita.

( like saying: " yes, you are a little overweight but that

does not affect you being pretty! )

" Si, estas gordita pero eso no afecta que seas bonita"|||Pero que no afecta a usted que es muy linda.


Que no le afecta porque eres hermosa.

Why this another friend is feeling sad ? Is she in a wheeling chair ?|||El que seas bonita no te afecta en nada.

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