Friday, January 20, 2012

Russian phrases/expression or rough translation please. No google trans Please?

Im trying to find some suitable phrases/expressions to say to my family that I don't see much.. I have a very vulgar tongue in English. I'd like to retain who I am with my Russian as well... I cuss a lot so feel free to give me things I can say to mine uncles. I'm also thinking of making a T-shirt that says in russian*** Cant Stop Wont Stop Til i Drop ****(meaning i wont quit until i die) and was wondering if someone born/raised in Russia could help me with these. Feel free to add anything that would sound like something a vulgar 22 year old would say.

Please no google translations. Id like phrases/expressions similar to . Thanks :)

1. F*** you , F*** off. (playful or serious)

2. No way/ Get out of here.

3. Why don't you?

4.Look what the cat dragged in...

5. Just out causing some chaos, don't mind me.

6. Kitten, you wanna cuddle? Kitten being pet name for my girlfriend. not sure if you use literal kitten or something else.

7. What the F*** is your deal?

8. Speaking is silver, Silence is golden.

9. Where in the hell....

Thank you very much for the help

Aleksei|||Wow, sorry i don't know about it|||I would like my family to love God and keep his commandments, to abide by the principles of purity, to love to impart them to their children by practice, by teaching and by example and by every means by which children can be influenced by their parents. Then, if this were carried out in every family, there would be something in the tendency of our lives that would have a regenerating influence upon the rising generation, physically and mentally.

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