Monday, January 30, 2012

How do you say "stay safe" in French?

In the sense that... someone is about to do something potentially dangerous, and you want to tell them to keep themselves safe and not get hurt. It's kind of a set phrase in English so I wasn't sure if translating it directly would be correct.

Please no Google Translations!

BQ: How do you say "It means..." As if you're trying to explain to someone the meaning of a word/phrase.|||Real French expressions, which you'll hear in lots of movies are...

"Fait Gaffe..."

"Prends garde à toi..."

Although the answers offered by another person answering are also good...

"Soit prudent"

"Fait attention à toi"

As for "It means..."

Can be best translated as:

"Ceci/Cela veut dire..."

You can use "ça veut dire..." aussi.

And depending on context, you can say:

"Ceci/Cela/ça s'explique ansi..."|||1) Soit prudent

2) Fait attention à toi

"ça veut dire..."

Hope this helped!

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