Thursday, January 26, 2012

A question about translating english words into Spanish on the Google translator?

Sorry if what I say doesn't make sense, but lets say that you type in the sentence "Are you afraid, little sister?" in English

the Spanish translation is "驴Tienes miedo, hermanita?"

is this what a Spanish speaker would say in real life? Or does it not make sense? Is it just translating each word individually?

also, if you're writing a story and you want your character to say something in Spanish, when they usually speak English, would it be okay to use the Google translator to get the Spanish sentences?|||In this particular case, it does make sense and some people would actually say that. But most of the time online translators are unreliable as they translate things literally, word for word, and many times don't even make sense. So I would not trust any online translators, and many people avoid them.|||'Yo' is right.

You got the correct translation but it doesn't often happen. Translators on line suck!!!!

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