Monday, January 23, 2012

What does this mean (Spanish to English)? NO GOOGLE TRANSLATION!!!!?

hoy me preguntaron que quando vale tu amistad? y les dije q nada... es q con tanta delicuencia tuve miedo de decir que vales oro


I already tried google translation, doesn't work with this.|||OK - NO GOOGLE!! I HATE IT TOO, IT SUCKS!!

Your statemnt says: "Today they asked me, 'How much is your friendship worth?' [you quoted "que quando" - it's "que tanto"]. And I told them nothing. It's just that with so much delinquency I was afraid to tell them you are worth gold to me."

Those "Q" letters, I do not know how that developed but it means "que".|||Today I was asked how much is your friendship worth for me, I said nothing... it is just with all this crime I was afraid to say that you're worth in gold.

BTW it is all misspelled, looks like MSN Spanish.

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