Monday, January 23, 2012

How would you say this in Spanish? no google translation please!?

"I need my backpack for school" how would you say this in spanish?

Also, does this make sense?-

Yo compro una blusa, una camisa y una falda.

Mi Hermana cantas todos los dias|||Alex V has right, but he made 2 little mistake.. he should write NECESITO be carefully with it

and second he should says " Mi hermana CANTA todos los dias" ;] because CANTAS mean you sing and NOT she sings

I'm native spanish speaker

about backpack= maleta, mochila, etc changes depend which country you want to talk,.. in my country(venezuela) we used to say Maleta~or also~ bolso... Mochila is mexican word|||"Yo necesito una mochila para la escuela"

The phrase Yo compro una blusa... doesn't makes much sense, if you're talking in past, you have to say Yo compre una blusa, una camisa y una falda. or of it's present participle you have to say Yo estoy comprando una blusa, una camisa y una falda.

Mi hermana canta todos los dias. You dont have to put an S in canta.|||Necesito mi mochila para escuela.=I need my backpack for school

Yo compro una blusa, una camisa and una falda= I buy a blouse, a shirt and a skirt. I think it makes sense if you want it to be in the present.

Mi hermana CANTA todos los d铆as- is the correct way to write it.

Edit:So I respectfully disagree with Alex V and Michal Jeny because not only should the s be taken off of cantas, but maleta= suitcase and not backpack.

Michal: Mochila is not a mexican word. It is taught in proper Spain spanish grammar as being the correct word for backpack.

Michal:Bolso in spain= purse does that mean that the venezuelans have the meaning wrong? no! It just adds more variety to the language, but if bolso means purse in spain and maleta means suitcase than what do they say for backpack??

Michal:I got proof that it is not a mexican word because i asked lol I just had to prove that not only mexicans say mochila.Here is the link to YA in spain,鈥?/a>|||Nececito mi maleta para la escuela

Yo compro una blusa, una camisa y una falda. makes sence if you are talking in what you are doing right know but sill it is

Yo estoy comprando una blusa una camisa y una falda

If you want it in past it is

Yo compre una blusa una camisa y una falda

And the last one is correct

edit: necesito,cantas -%26gt; canta I write too fast so I dont notice sorry

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