I am willing to buy the mens jewellery in this website : imperior.taobao.com|||Go here:
Paste your website address in the "Translate a web page" section
Use the "Chinese" as source language and "English" as output
Worked fine for me.|||Do you know there is an English taobao? shop taobao in English now!
First international taobao in the world, shop taobao in English and Spanish!
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you don't need to use google translate, just you need to find best taobao agency website. Try this website http://www.taobaocentral.net
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|||You don't need to use google translate. If a website can not translate to English, it can trade as a scam website. But my suggestion is that you'd better use Firfox or Chrome, it can be translate into English. Or you can try this website www.smalltao.com. I have bought dress, sunglasses there!
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