Thursday, February 2, 2012

Why Thai language is not easy to access according to internet and computer use?

I feel shamed to ask "Do you know Thailand ?" I am Thai. I found that Vietnamese and Indonesia language are available in Google translation machine but Thai. I think in South East Asia several countries such as Laos Cambodia Singapore Myanmar Vietnam Malaysia and China support studying Thai language. However, There are not much programs to promote study Thai or other applications for instance translation, dictionary, reading machine or OCR.

When I register the websites, they want me to inform the language but there is no Thai provided. What happened? Maybe my language is a minority of world language use.|||As far as "popular" languages are concerned... Thai is not one of them. Some websites choose only to support popular languages as opposed to supporting all of them. This saves them money and allows them to create a few awesome products as opposed to many mediocre products. Hope this helps.

Take care!

Brian|||I'm Thai too

but lemme share my comment, why don't you think that there's no thai working on these projects and why ? and maybe a little fact that might make you feel better, Windows XP doesn't support Khmer or Cambodian.

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|||Google Translate has now Thai language but I bet you'd prefer it not having as it's less than 70% accurate (translations are simply ridiculous *jeez*)

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|||I don't like it that my ipod doesn't support Thai. it's a 7 year old ipod, but it should support thai right!? 喔赴喙勦福喙€喔權傅喙堗涪?

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